
Pickup sports memberships. Game changer.

Whether you offer punch cards at a recreational facility, or offer monthly or yearly pickup subscriptions, OpenSports supports a variety of membership types. Roll out automated pickup memberships that allow your members to have the best experience with your group

  • Punch card system
  • Sell electronic punch cards like a 10-day punch card

  • Class pass system
  • Allow players to buy a pass for a lower cost per game than regular drop-in prices

  • Weekly, monthly and yearly membership subscription system
  • Sell monthly memberships for unlimited access to your drop-in events

  • One-time membership subscription system
  • Charge players an annual membership fee that gives them automatically discounted pickup every time they join a game.


    Simple, clean membership set up with plenty of options

    OpenSports’ flexible membership creator tool allows you to set up various membership structures.

  • Create and edit membership plans on the web and app
  • list
  • Set the perfect price of your membership
  • list
  • Choose your own billing cycles and installment plans
  • list
  • Memberships are optional for your players
  • logo

    Powerful, automated membership management

    As memberships are purchased and games are redeemed in real time, our automated system keeps track. This creates a smooth experience for you and your members so they don’t need to manually keep track of how many events they have left.

    Simple and convenient event RSVP experience for your members
    No more time consuming tracking of games redeemed
    Automatic credit card billing for recurring memberships
    Easily view membership status across all group members
    Detailed member reports on retention, renewals, and cancellations
    Manage memberships through your computer or phone
    • notif
      Ana bought membership Plan A: 10 games for $80. She automatically redeems these any time she joins a game.
      March 1 2019
    • notif
      Ana just redeemed 1 game. She has 9 games left.
      March 1 2019
    • notif
      Luis bought the $70/month Annual Member Plan. He will be billed $70 every month.
      March 1 2019
    • notif
      Chris purchased the $30/year Organizer Membership. He now receives $3 off pickup games.
      March 1 2019

    Boost player commitment and generate recurring revenue

    Membership based pickup sports give your organization security and recurring revenue, so that you can continue to grow your business.

    Number of members


    Annual revenue
